Guiding you on a path to wellbeing through

Mindfulness ~ Nature ~ Sound

About me

Hi I’m Claire, a nature loving mum to two teenagers and one fluffy dog, who frequently accompanies me on my woodland adventures. An advocate of slow and seasonal living, I’m a keen gardener and love vintage and anything creative. I also love learning and connecting with like-hearted others. 

I’m a Wellbeing Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Forest Therapy Guide and EcoNIDRA teacher. I’ve also trained with the College of Sound Healing as a Gong Practitioner and I’m working towards being certified as a 3rd Age mentor. 

In a previous life, I managed the Pet Bereavement Support Service for The Blue Cross and was a counsellor for Cruse Bereavement Care. I also spent 10 years running online vintage gardening boutique Mabel & Rose.

A holistic approach

As a Wellbeing & Nature Connection Coach I take a holistic approach to helping people to live healthy and fulfilling lives and recognises the interconnectivity of all areas of life – wellbeing means more than just being physically well – it’s about being emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy too.  

I also recognise that we are part of nature, not separate from it. Nurturing our connection with the natural world helps us to nurture ourselves. 

In my coaching work I lead you through a process of self enquiry that helps you to identify areas of your life that aren’t quite working and may need a bit of tweaking.  We then explore ways in which you might bring about more contentment, joy and ease.

I work in a heart-centred way, which involves helping you to tap into your own inner wisdom and identifying your core values so you can live in alignment with them. 

Nature connection and mindfulness

Nature connection and mindfulness are great tools for dealing with the stress of our everyday lives and a regular mindfulness practice can bring great relief from anxiety and overthinking, especially in the uncertain times that we find ourselves living.

Much of my work is helping sensitive women in mid-life to navigate this transitional phase where stress can be a major contributor to perimenopausal symptoms.

An empty lantern provides no light. Self care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.

Ways of working with me

There are various ways of working with me, either in a one to one capacity or in my group courses, workshops and events. I send out occasional emails to my community which are intended to nurture and inspire – giving you a gentle reminder to put yourself at the top of your priority list. You can sign up below.

One to one

Wellbeing life coaching

One to one coaching sessions can be in person or via phone or zoom. You may also wish to take a face to face session outside into nature or combine with some sound healing to enhance your experience. 

Bespoke coaching packages start at £90 for a one-off clarity session or £360 for a series of 6 sessions.  I offer a free 30 minute discovery call to anyone interested in exploring if coaching with me might be right for them. 

Sound healing gong meditation

We have a small, dedicated sound studio in Leafield where we can offer private 1:1sound sessions. 

A wonderful opportunity to experience the deep relaxation and rebalancing effects of the gongs in a one to one setting.

You should leave 75 minutes for the session –

Price £55 (Couples £75)

Courses and events

Mindfulness for stress & health courses

8 week courses delivered either in person or online via zoom. Following the Breathworks framework, these progressive and immersive group courses are an excellent way to learn about the power of mindfulness and develop a regular mindfulness practice in a supportive environment.

The next Mindfulness for Stress online course will run in Autumn 2024. Look out for forthcoming dates or drop me a message for more information or to reserve your place on this course.  

One to one Mindfulness coaching sessions also available. 


Deep relaxation EcoNIDRA sessions held online via zoom.

Where Yoga Nidra meets nature connection, these deeply relaxing and rejuvinating sessions are a beautiful gift of self-care that you can enjoy in the privacy of your own home. They are great for improving sleep, lowering stress and helping us to access our natural healing state. 

This year my EcoNidra sessions will be following the Celtic Wheel of the Year festivals, a beautiful way of connecting with the turning of the seasons both around us and within us.

More information and bookings >>

Group Forest Bathing and Mindful Walking events

Slowing down and spending time in nature is scientifically proven to be good for our health and wellbeing and a great antidote to stress.

I offer forest bathing and nature connection activities in and around Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds. These events are a chance to step away from the busyness of our day to day lives for a while and to deepen our connection to the natural world. 

One to one sessions also available. 

Group Gong Baths in and around the Cotswolds

Along with my husband, Dan, we run group gong baths in and around the Cotswolds.  

We have a peaceful studio space in Leafield where we offer small, intimate group sessions for a maximum of 5-6 people. Think candles, essential oils, comfortable mats and cosy blankets. The perfect setting for an immersive relaxing session – all you need to do is turn up, lie down and soak up the healing vibrations. 

In the summer season we hold regular outdoor sessions at a few beautiful locations in the Cotswolds. See upcoming dates and bookings for details.

We’re also available for private bookings. If you have a special occasion or simply want to gather a group of friends together we can bring the gongs to you. We love working in outdoor settings when the weather permits. 

Please drop me an email for more information. 

My story

I’ve struggled with IBS on and off since my early twenties and around 6 years ago I had a big flare up. I didn’t realise at the time, but the onset of perimenopause is a common trigger to IBS as our hormones start to change. Quick fixes that had worked for me in the past no longer brought relief and so I was forced to take a closer look at what was going on. I slowed down, worked on improving my gut health and rediscovered mindfulness and meditation to manage my stress. Looking back now I realise it was a wake-up call and one that I’m grateful my body gave me as it has led me to a healthier, happier and more fulfilled place.

This was the start of my journey to retrain as a wellbeing coach and mindfulness teacher and the nature connection element felt like a natural fit as it’s always been somewhere I’ve found solace and peace in an increasingly busy and noisy world. Today my IBS symptoms are pretty much under control and I find joy in nature daily. 

Perimenopause continues to unfold and bring up new challenges for me and I’m grateful to have a toolkit of mindful wellbeing practices at my disposal to help me through. I know how hard it can be to take time for ourselves, let alone prioritise it above other things.  I love sharing what I’ve learnt and inspiring others to bring more rest, ease and joy into their lives without the guilt! 

Get in touch

You can email me directly at
or use the contact form below.

6 + 7 =

Heart Centered Coaching for Middle Years Women
Wellbeing • Mindfulness • Nature Connection - Forest Therapy
EcoNIDRA • Sound Therapy • West Oxfordshire UK